This article derives its instructions from my recent work installing GT.M on a DEC 2000 AXP. GT.M is a free and open source implementation of the MUMPS programming language, also known as M.
This instance is being configured as an exercise, and the initial effort intends to set up a very basic, default GT.M instance. Only a default region has been created, and no journaling or replication has been set up. These improvements will be covered in a later post. Please do not take these instructions as best practices, or assume that they are intended to give you a production-grade installation. They are only here to give you a very basic overview of GT.M configuration on OpenVMS, and while they will likely result in a usable GT.M instance, a production server would need far more configuration than this, especially with regards to journaling and replication.
It is worthwhile to note that GT.M for OpenVMS/Alpha is now freely available at the GT.M SourceForge product page. OpenVMS/Alpha licenses for hobbyist/personal use are available at These licenses require membership in a participating OpenVMS-related user group. Although HP Connect (the successor to Encompass, and the intellectual successor to DECUS) membership is not free, the DECUSERVE user group offers free membership, and will issue licenses once you create an account on their server. Instructions on this process are listed at
Once licenses are secured, you can (at the time of this writing) obtain OpenVMS media kits for $30 each at They currently offer kits for OpenVMS 7.3-1 for VAX and OpenVMS 8.3 for Alpha. As GT.M only supports the Alpha flavor, we will concentrate solely on OpenVMS 8.3/Alpha.
Free Alpha emulators are available for Win32 and Win64 at, and for Linux at
Installation and configuration of OpenVMS are outside the scope of this text, and are already well-documented elsewhere. Thus, I will focus on the installation and configuration of GT.M on an already-running OpenVMS system.
First, you will need to download a copy of GT.M for OpenVMS from the GT.M SourceForge page. The file you need will be named something like GTM_Vxxxxx_OPENVMS_ALPHA_PRO.ZIP, where "xxxxx" is the version number.
Once you have downloaded the ZIP file, you will need to upload it to a directory on one of your Alpha's storage devices (if you did not download the ZIP file directly onto your Alpha). I used FTP to transfer the file to a subdirectory of my home directory.
In order to extract the contents of this file, you will need to create a definition for UNZIP, as it is a foreign command. Example syntax for this definition follows; please replace DKA100: and JOLLIS.PRIVEXE with the device name and directory path where UNZIP.EXE;1 resides on your system (it is DKA100:[JOLLIS.PRIVEXE]UNZIP.EXE;1 on my system):
Now that you have a usable UNZIP utility, extract the archive as follows, replacing DKA100:[JOLLIS.GTMINST] and Vxxxxx with the appropriate file specification for your system:
Now, you will need to elevate your privileges (unless you are logged in as SYSTEM), and run the VMSINSTAL utility to install GT.M, replacing "xxxxx" with the appropriate version number for your GT.M download:
This will invoke the OpenVMS Software Product Installation facility. Follow the prompts and accept the defaults for this procedure.
GT.M is now installed on your system, as has created the logical GTM$DIST, where GT.M stores much of its information.
Now that GT.M is installed on your OpenVMS system, you will need to create the Global Directory. This is accomplished by executing the GT.M Global Directory Editor (GDE).
First, run the GTMLOGIN.COM DCL script that was installed in the previous step, as follows:
This will make the necessary preparations for your environment so that you can run the GT.M utilities.
Next, you will need to set your default directory to the home directory of the account from which you will be using GT.M. This is where GDE will create the MUMPS.GLD file, which is the global directory. In my case, this is DKA100:[JOLLIS]. Change the file specification to match your system:
Now, run the GDE utility, and immediately EXIT from it, as follows; the output from GDE is shown below:
%GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK
%GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file
Once this procedure is complete, you will need to run the GT.M MUPIP command to create the database file MUMPS.DAT, as follows:
Database file for region $DEFAULT created.
That's it! You should now be able to run MUMPS /DIRECT to access the interactive GT.M environment.
Edited by CoherentLogic on August 21 2011 09:12 |