I'm running freeaxp with two disk images mounted:
on disk0.0 I have an image of 3,99 Go containing openvms 7.1 system
on disk0.1 I have an image of 3,99 Go containing applications
I just face a problem of "disk full" on my application disk but I do not understand why
If i do a show device I got:
$>show device
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA0: Mounted 0 AXPVMSSYS 6243948 361 1
DSA1: Mounted 0 DISKAPPLI 0 182 1
$1$DKA0: (ALPHA1) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA0
$1$DKA100: (ALPHA1) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA1
so that tell me that the application disk is full, but doing on one side
$> dir dsa1:[...]/size/grand_total
Grand total of 454 directories, 24791 files, 8239810 blocks.
and on the other side
$> show device dsa1/full
Disk DSA1:, device type RZ29B, is online, mounted, file-oriented device,
shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 6270010
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 315 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 8380080 Sectors per track 206
Total cylinders 180 Tracks per cylinder 226
Volume label "DISKAPPLI" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 9 Transaction count 178
Free blocks 0 Maximum files allowed 419004
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1
Mount status System Cache name "_DSA0:XQPCACHE"
Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 0
File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 450
Volume Status: subject to mount verification, file high-water marking, write-
back caching enabled.
Disk $1$DKA100:, device type RZ29B, is online, member of shadow set DSA1:, error
logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Shadow member operation count 6269544
Allocation class 1
So I got 8380080 total blocks - 8239810 used blocks = 0 blocks left
Could some one explain where are gone the 8380080- 8239810=140270 blocks i.e more than 70Mb that disapear!!
Take a look at the file FDL's. Allocation and extent sizes are stored there. They can be modified using EDIT/FDL and the CONVERT utility.
In addition to general clean-up to recover space, you could also do an image backup to a new disk. This will make the files contiguous and recover some space, particularly if you have lots of large, fragmented files. However, if your disks are nearly full, then this is just a stop gap, Time for some more disks and/or larger disks.
Since you are running FreeAXP, you could also compress the disk file from the Windows side to create space for a larger virtual volume. As with any software, there is a very small I/O penalty when accessing compressed volumes with FreeAXP. I use this technique often on archive volumes that see little activity.
malmberg August 04 2022 No more VAX hobbyist licenses.
Community licenses for Alpha/IA64/X86_64 VMS Software Inc.
Commercial VMS software licenses for VAX available from HPE.
ozboomer July 20 2022 Just re-visiting.. No more hobbyist licenses? Is that from vmssoftware.com, no 'community' licenses?
valdirfranco July 01 2022 No more hobbyist license...sad
mister_wavey February 12 2022 I recall that the disks failed on the public access VMS systems that included Fafner
parwezw January 03 2022 Anyone know what happened to FAFNER.DYNDS.ORG?
I had a hobbyist account here but can longer access the site.
gtackett October 27 2021 Make that DECdfs _2.1A_ for Vax
gtackett October 27 2021 I'm looking for DECdfs V2.4A kit for VAX.
Asking here just in case anyone is still listening.
MarkRLV September 17 2021 At one time, didn't this web site have a job board? I would love to use my legacy skills one last time in my career.
malmberg January 18 2021 New Hobbyist PAKs for VAX/VMS are no longer available according to reports. Only commercial licenses are reported to be for sale from HPE
dfilip January 16 2021 Can someone please point me to hobbyist license pak? I'm looking for VAX/VMS 7.1, DECnet Phase IV, and UCX/TCPIP ... have the 7.1 media, need the license paks ... thanks!